SantoÑo, tu opción para un mundo mejor

Inglish Lison uan, bai Arení Aliolí

Os presentem el primer curs d´inglish per Santoñer, fet per el Mestre Arení Aliolí:

( Must be read with catalan accent )

On day I gonna Detroit to bigga hotel. Inna morning ,I gonna down to breackfast . I tella the waitress I wanna two pisses of toast.She bring only one piss.I tella her I wanna two piss.She say go to the toilet .I say ,you no understand ,I wanna two piss onna my plate.She say no piss onna plate,you sonna ma bitch.I don´t even know the lady and she call me sonna me bitch.

Later,I gonna out to eat at the biggs restaurant.The waitress bringa me aspoon ,and knife but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock.She tells me everyone wanna fock. I tella her ,you no understand .I wanna fock onna the table.She say you better no fock on the table ,you sonna ma bitch .

So gonna back to my room inna hotel ,and ther is no shits onna my bed.I call the manager and tella him I wanna shit. He tells me go to the toilet .I say ,you no understand .I wanna shit onna ma bed .He say you better no shit onna ma bed , you sonna ma bitch .

I gonna to check-out and the man at the desk say” peace to you “ .I say piss onna you too,you sonna ma bitch .I gonna back to Barcelona !

2 comentarios

Angel Colom amb Melena -

¿Teniu afinades les guitarres??

Angel Colom -

Us agrairía sertament ho traduissiu al santoño !...
Poble català possat a llenguatchar!